
mindberry Consulting GmbH

Lugeck 1-2/25, 1010 Vienna, Austria

+43 660 22 42 002

Company registration: FN 323892 m
Register court: Handelsgericht Wien
VAT-ID: ATU 64814017

Chamber affiliation:
Austrian Economic Chamber Vienna (sections: Information & Consulting and Marketing & Communications)

Purpose of the company:
Consulting services, particularly in the filed of online business development.

Basic objective of the medium:
mindberry Consulting GmbH's (mindberry's) website and newsletter are communication media for our clients and others interested in Online Business Development. Topics include the presentation of the company, news and information, trends and insights in the field of online business development in the broadest sense.

Managing directors and owners:
Mag. Lotte Larsen   |   Mag. Nina Bordet

Legal Notice

Liability limitation

Content on the mindberry website, including newsletters and other content transmitted via email was created with utmost care. The mindberry Consulting GmbH (mindberry) makes reasonable efforts to provide correct and complete information. However we cannot be held liable for the accuracy or completeness of the contents. No warranty or assurance is given with respect to product features or capabilities.

Any liability for direct, indirect, subsequent or other damages, regardless of there causes, arising from the use of the website, the use or unavailabilty of the data and information of this website is excluded to the extend legally permissible.
All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

mindberry reserves the right to modify or delete information on this website at anytime without prior notice as well as to discontinue the publication (or parts of it).


Content on the mindberry website, including newsletters and other content transmitted via email is protected by copyright. Copying and/or distributing information or data, particularly content, text elements, ideas, concepts and picture/audio/video material as well as the commercial use and disclosure to third parties – in full, in part or revised - requires explicit prior written consent of mindberry.